Registration Form

This application form can be submitted online, or printed off and sent by post.

Please note: In order to be listed within this directory, you must be duly qualified and hold a valid license/designation to practice. You must be currently in good standing within the practice areas you select below. You must maintain liability insurance for your practice.

All questions marked with * are required.


*Your profession

Lawyers joining JusticeNet agree to offer referrals from JusticeNet reduced rates according to JusticeNet’s ‘Reduced Fee Schedule’.

View the current JusticeNet Reduced Fee Schedule

Senior lawyers, with a minimum of 10 years in private practice, may instead choose to offer qualified referrals a flat rate discount of 40% off their standard hourly rate, offered in their private practice.

Apply Senior Lawyer Discount

By selecting ‘Yes’, I confirm that I wish to forgo the use of JusticeNet’s ‘Reduced Fee Schedule’, and will instead offer a 40% discount off my standard hourly billing rate, which I normally use in my private practice, and also hereby confirm that I have been in private practice for at least 10 years.

Contact Information

*First Name
Middle Name
*Last Name
Company/Firm Name
Address 2
*Postal Code
*Phone Number ext.
Alt. Telephone number ext.

Professional Details

*Summary Text
This information will be displayed in the search results page below your name. You can enter a maximum of 200 characters.

*Detailed Text
This text will constitute the main descriptive text in your profile page. Please provide details regarding yourself and/or your practice that you would like to be displayed on your profile page. You can enter a maximum of 1500 characters.

Your Picture
You may optionally include a photograph of yourself, which will be added to the top-right corner of your Profile page. Please make sure that the picture is in portrait format (longer height, shorter width), and that the file type is either JPG, PNG or GIF. The picture may be re-sized by us in order to fit within the allowed dimensions.

*Areas of Practice
  •  Aboriginal Law
  •  Alternative Dispute Resolution
  •  Bankruptcy
    •  Business Bankruptcy
    •  Personal Bankruptcy
  •  Business Law Topics
    •  Banking / Finance
    •  Collections
    •  Contracts
    •  Franchising/Licensing
    •  Incorporations
    •  Insurance
    •  Intellectual Property
    •  Partnership Agreements
  •  Child Protection
  •  Civil & Human Rights
  •  Civil Litigation
  •  Consumer Rights
    •  Identity Theft
    •  Fraud
    •  Government Programs
    •  Malpractice
    •  Recall/Dangerous Products
  •  Contract Law
  •  Criminal Law
    •  Appeals
    •  Domestic Violence
    •  Drug Offences
    •  Juvenile Offences
    •  Parole
    •  Driving Offences
    •  Fraud / Theft Offences
  •  Employment Law
    •  Benefits/Insurance/Pensions
    •  Disability
    •  Discrimination
    •  Sexual Harassment
    •  Workers Compensation
    •  Wrongful dismissals
  •  Wills and Estate Planning
    •  Guardianship
    •  Living Wills
    •  Power of Attorney
    •  Probate
    •  Trusts
    •  Wills
  •  Family Law
    •  Adoption
    •  Child/Spousal Support
    •  Custody/Access
    •  Division of Property
    •  Divorce/Separation
  •  General Practice
  •  Immigration
  •  Landlord and Tenant
  •  Personal Injury
  •  Real Estate
    •  Condominium Contracts
    •  Construction Defects
    •  Construction Liens
    •  Landlord and Tenant
    •  Mortgage Agreements
    •  Municipal Law
    •  Planning Issues
    •  Neighbors
    •  Taxes
  •  Tax
  •  Trial, Litigation & Appeals

You must select at least one (1), and up to a maximum of seven (7) main legal categories (such as "Bankruptcy" and "Family Law"). Within each selected main legal category, you may select as many sub-categories as you wish.

Geographical Limits
Here you may optionally include the names of the cities that your practice covers, such as "The Greater Toronto Area and Mississauga". This will appear in your profile page and is for information purposes only. It does not restrict or filter search results.

 Arabic  Japanese
 Cantonese  Korean
 English  Mandarin
 Farsi  Portuguese
 French  Russian
 German  Spanish
 Greek  Tagalog
 Hebrew  Tamil
 Hindi  Urdu

You may add any extra languages that you speak besides English.

Wheelchair Access yes no

Do you provide virtual services / accept remote clients? yes no

Select "Yes" if you provide virtual services / serve clients remotely via telephone or video conference (e.g. Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Whatsapp, etc.)

*Called to the Bar in the Province of , in the year

Fee Structure

Detailed description of fees
Please enter as complete a description of your fee structure as possible, including retainer fees, free initial consultation, etc. This information will be included on every JusticeNet Reduced Fee Application signed by you and the client.

Listing Qualifications

*I am licensed to practice yes no
I am currently licensed to practice within the area of my jurisdiction by my professional governing body(s)

*I am in good standing yes no
By answering with 'Yes', I confirm that I am in good standing with my professional governing body(s) and that I will undertake to notify JusticeNet if I become subject to any professional disciplinary action or become disqualified to practice for any reason

*I maintain liability insurance yes no
I maintain liability insurance for my practice

* I shall respect the Reduced Fee Schedule
I understand that fees charged to clients are based on the application of JusticeNet's "Reduced Fee Schedule" appropriate to My profession. The Reduced Fee Schedule is a sliding scale of hourly rates or discounts, adjusted according to the client's net family income and family size. Fee schedules for each profession are posted on the JusticeNet website and are subject to change without notice. I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Reduced Fee Schedule and that, subject to My time constraints and professional discretion, I agree to offer My services to qualified clients at reduced rates in accordance with the Reduced Fee Schedule or my own rate, whichever is lower.

Login Details

*Confirm Password
Your password must be between 6 - 15 characters, comprised of any combination of letters and numbers
You may update the contents of your listing at any time. To do so, you must supply your email address and password above in order to be able to log into your account and update your listing.


*Confirm Registration  
Type the characters you see into the blank field, without spaces. This extra security measure helps to prevent automated form submissions and increases the security of our website.

I have read and agree with the Professional Terms of Participation and with the Website Terms of Use : Link to Website Terms of Use, Link to Professional Terms of Participation
I confirm that I am fully licensed and qualified to practice in my profession and in the relevant jurisdiction(s), and I undertake to notify JusticeNet if I become disqualified to practice for any reason.



“Our justice system will be further strengthened with the introduction of the JusticeNet program, as it will serve to complement existing access to justice programs intended for people who do not qualify for legal aid.”

The Hon. Rob Nicholson, Former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada


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