About JusticeNet

JusticeNet is a not-for-profit service promoting increased access to justice for low- and moderate-income Canadians. Our service is intended to complement public legal aid and pro bono programs by expanding the number of clients receiving support and by expanding the types of legal problems addressed. The service is currently limited to the Province of Ontario.


 Supreme Court of Canada

 Supreme Court of Canada. Photo by jessica @ flickr

Our Professionals

The professionals in the program all share the conviction that justice should be accessible to all. They offer their skills at a reduced fee to clients of limited means, based on a sliding scale that takes into account both income and number of individuals supported.

Our Value Proposition

JusticeNet is unique in its ability to benefit all participants in our justice system:

-         Low- and moderate-income Canadians gain greater opportunities for legal expertise and alternative dispute resolution. 

-         Individual professionals gain the chance to engage in public service and demonstrate their commitment to the cause of access to justice.

-         Pressure on legal aid is eased due to reduced applications and possibility to refer unqualified clients to this alternate program.

-         Courts and judges obtain relief from the frustrating and time-consuming burden of self-represented litigants.



“Our justice system will be further strengthened with the introduction of the JusticeNet program, as it will serve to complement existing access to justice programs intended for people who do not qualify for legal aid.”

The Hon. Rob Nicholson, Former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada


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